Generic AutoEx

Generic AutoEx is a tool designed to facilitate the work of tutors. It provides an interactive command line interface for automated corrections of student submissions, including convenient SVN management and submission of scores to the Daphne system.


  • Checkout/update student and tutor repositories.

  • Automate the correction process (validate submissions, show correction hints, create feedback files).

  • Commit corrections.

  • Collect and tar-gz feedback files.

  • Submit scores to the Daphne system.



... or similar environments. Tested and developed on Fedora 18/19 Alpha.


Generic AutoEx currently uses bash-only features.

The usual suspects

Tools like awk, find & grep.


hxselect for website parsing.





First Run

Validation fails every time, even for valid exercises.

Make sure your validation command works outside of Generic AutoEx.

If you're reviewing submissions written in Java, you'll probably have to install checkstyle.

The script hangs after displaying a green message, nothing else happened.

Something probably went wrong when starting the editor. Take a look into the file gaxconfig (located in the workspace) and verify that the command is valid.

I'd rather like to use a terminal based editor!

Try someting like this:

gnome-terminal --tab --working-directory $PWD --command "vim $files"

General Usage

I had to interrupt my correction process. Can I continue where I left off?

Not exactly. However, you can supply the IDs of the missing corrections. Try something like this:

ls | grep -vE '(scvssst|feedback|tutor|validation)' | grep -A1000 'ID_of_first_missing' | xargs echo

Why do I get a message saying No test results found. when testing against the standard solution?

This means that the build process failed due to incompatibility between the student's code and the tests of the standard solution.

The build against the standard solution tests failed. Where do I find the files?

Take a look into the directory scvssst in your workspace.


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