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Andreas Kuhner

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Technische Fakultät
Autonome Intelligente Systeme
Georges-Köhler-Allee 080
D-79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany
Office:   080-00 024

Phone:   +49 761 203 8005
Fax:   +49 761 203 8007

About me

  • 10/2010 - 09/2012: Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, University of Freiburg
  • 10/2012 - 01/2015: Master of Science in Computer Science, University of Freiburg
  • 02/2015 - up to now: Working at the Autonomous Intelligent Systems group of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard as a PhD student

Research Interests

  • Robot localization
  • Robot mapping
  • Motion Capture Analysis
  • Human Motion

Current Research Projects



Conference Papers

  • Andreas Kuhner, Tobias Schubert, Massimo Cenciarini, Christoph Maurer, Wolfram Burgard
    A Probabilistic Approach Based on Random Forests to Estimating Similarity of Human Motion in the Context of Parkinson’s Disease
    Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Daejeon, Korea, 2016
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  • Andreas Kuhner
    Matching Occupancy Gridmaps and CAD-Floorplans for Mobile Robot Navigation
    Master's Thesis, University of Freiburg, Autonomous Intelligent Systems Group, 2015
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