module Numeric(fromRat, showSigned, showIntAtBase, showInt, showOct, showHex, readSigned, readInt, readDec, readOct, readHex, floatToDigits, showEFloat, showFFloat, showGFloat, showFloat, readFloat, lexDigits) where fromRat :: (RealFloat a) => Rational -> a showSigned :: (Real a) => (a -> ShowS) -> Int -> a -> ShowS showIntAtBase :: Integral a => a -> (Int -> Char) -> a -> ShowS showInt :: Integral a => a -> ShowS showOct :: Integral a => a -> ShowS showHex :: Integral a => a -> ShowS readSigned :: (Real a) => ReadS a -> ReadS a readInt :: (Integral a) => a -> (Char -> Bool) -> (Char -> Int) -> ReadS a readDec :: (Integral a) => ReadS a readOct :: (Integral a) => ReadS a readHex :: (Integral a) => ReadS a showEFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS showFFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS showGFloat :: (RealFloat a) => Maybe Int -> a -> ShowS showFloat :: (RealFloat a) => a -> ShowS floatToDigits :: (RealFloat a) => Integer -> a -> ([Int], Int) readFloat :: (RealFrac a) => ReadS a lexDigits :: ReadS String |
In what follows, recall the following type definitions from the Prelude:
type ShowS = String -> String
type ReadS = String -> [(a,String)]