Start | Personal record (without picture) |
Personal record (with picture) |
Study | Imprint | Further sides |
![]() |
\usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \lhead{Sascha Frank} \chead{Short docu 2} \rhead{26.04.05}After this there has to be some written text, else there is no output.
\title{\LaTeX-Course 2} \author{Sascha Frank} \date{\today} \maketitleNote:
\begin{abstract} summary \end{abstract} \chapter{Introduction} \section{What is \LaTeX ?} a little text \subsection{\LaTeX for Linux } more text \subsection{\LaTeX for Windows} \chapter{Project} new chapter .... \appendix
\begin{abstract} | Begin of the summary |
\end{abstract} | End of the summary |
\part | Part |
\chapter | Chapter |
\section | Section |
\subsection | Subsection |
\paragraph | Paragraph |
\subparagraph | Subparagraph |
\appendix | Appendix |
table of contents Table of contents \tableofcontents is made from the document structure, for e.g. \section{\LaTeX for Linux} there would been written "Latex for Linux", in the table of contens.
list of figures To put a figure in list of figures, it must be in a figure environment.
\begin{figure} \caption{Our new logo} \includegraphics[scale=0.5]{logo} \end{figure}The list of figures shows "Our new logo" p.?? .
list of tables To put a table in list of tables, it must be in a table environment.
\begin{table} \caption{\LaTeX \ course overview} \begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|} \hline time & course instructor & title \\ \hline ... \end{tabular} \end{table}The list of table then shows that LaTeX course overview is located at page ??.
\begin{thebibliography}{9} \bibitem[Frank 04]{Kurs1} \emph{First steps with \LaTeX}, Sascha Frank 2004 \bibitem[Frank 05]{kurz1} \emph{short documentation for course 1} Sascha Frank 2005 \end{thebibliography}Qoute within text with e.g. \cite{Kurs1}
\begin{flushleft} Text may stand left \end{flushleft}
\begin{flushright} but also right. \end{flushright}
\begin{center} or just mid.
\begin{small} \begin{verbatim} \LaTeX \end{verbatim} \end{small}\Latex
Again something senseless \footnote{referring to our problem} text.Again something senseless 2 text.
If the command is already assigned in Latex, you have to take another command name.
New commands can have up to 9 arguments.
\newcommand{\newName}[Number of arguments]{Definition}With quantity of short cuts, new commands and new enviroments, which were frequently used, you can build your own usepackage instead of copy and paste the code. A usepackage got the ending .sty e.g. mypackage.sty and requires following details.
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{paketname} \RequirePackage{...,...} \endinput
Instruction | Effect |
\newcounter{name} | defines a new counter |
\setcounter{name}{new value} | set a counter on a new value |
\addtocounter{name}{value} | Adds a certain value to the counter |
\stepcounter{name} | Adds 1 to the value of the counter |
\roman{name} | counts with Roman numbers |
\arabic{name} | counts with Arabic numerals |
\alph{name} | counts with small latin letters |
\newcounter{ale} \newcommand{\abc}{\item[\alph{ale})]\stepcounter{ale}} \newenvironment{liste}{\begin{itemize}}{\end{itemize}} \newcommand{\aliste}{\begin{liste} \setcounter{ale}{1}} \newcommand{\zliste}{\end{liste}} \newenvironment{abcliste}{\aliste}{\zliste} \begin{small} \begin{verbatim} \newcounter{ale} \newcommand{\abc}{\item[\alph{ale})]\stepcounter{ale}} \newenvironment{liste}{\begin{itemize}}{\end{itemize}} \newcommand{\aliste}{\begin{liste} \setcounter{ale}{1}} \newcommand{\zliste}{\end{liste}} \newenvironment{abcliste}{\aliste}{\zliste} \begin{abcliste} \abc 111 \abc 222 \abc 333 \end{abcliste}