HOG-Man - Hierarchical Optimization for Pose Graphs on Manifolds
HOG-Man is our new back-end for graph-based SLAM which is also designed for online applications.
HOG-Man is our new back-end for graph-based SLAM which is also designed for online applications.
TORO is our efficient solution to compute low error configurations of constraint networks used in SLAM.
Get our the latest version of GMapping, our SLAM approach using a Rao-Blackwellized particle filter (hosted at OpenSLAM.org).
Course Material for the ECMR 2007 Tutorial on SLAM with RBPFs.
Download libhungarian-v0.1.3.tgz (21.09.2015)
C-implementation of the Hungarian Method: finding the optimal assignment
(assigning a set of jobs to a set of machines) in O(n^3), where n=max{#jobs, #machines}.
The implementation is a sligntly enhanced version of the implementation provided by the
Stanford GraphBase.
See also: Stanford GraphBase,
Hungarian Method by Brian Gerkey.