| WashNGo-2.12: WASH is a family of embedded domain specific languages (EDSL) for programming Web applications in Haskell. | Contents | Index |
WASH.CGI.AbstractSelector |
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data AT |
abstract table (twodimensional)
| Constructors | | Instances | |
data AR |
abstract row
| Constructors | | Instances | |
getAR :: AT -> Int -> AR |
unAR :: AR -> [String] |
table_io :: IO [[String]] -> CGI AT |
Transform an IO action that produces a table in list form into a CGI action
that returns an abstract table.
getText :: Monad m => AT -> Int -> Int -> WithHTML x m () |
Access abstract table by row and column. Produces a test node in the
document monad.
data SelectionGroup a x |
a selection group is a virtual field that never appears on the screen, but
gives rise to a hidden input field!
| Constructors | | Instances | |
selectionGroup :: CGIMonad cgi => WithHTML y cgi (SelectionGroup AR INVALID) |
Create a selection group for a table. Selects one row.
selectionButton :: CGIMonad cgi => SelectionGroup AR INVALID -> AT -> Int -> HTMLField cgi x y () |
Create a selection button for an abstract table
selectionDisplay :: CGIMonad cgi => SelectionGroup AR INVALID -> AT -> Int -> (WithHTML x cgi () -> [WithHTML x cgi ()] -> WithHTML x cgi a) -> WithHTML x cgi a |
Create a labelled selection display for an abstract table. The display
function takes the button element and a list of text nodes corresponding to
the selected row and is expected to perform the layout.
choiceGroup :: CGIMonad cgi => WithHTML x cgi (SelectionGroup [AR] INVALID) |
Create a choice group for a table (0-*).
choiceButton :: CGIMonad cgi => SelectionGroup [AR] INVALID -> AT -> Int -> HTMLField cgi x y () |
Create one choice button for an abstract table
choiceDisplay :: CGIMonad cgi => SelectionGroup [AR] INVALID -> AT -> Int -> (WithHTML x cgi () -> [WithHTML x cgi ()] -> WithHTML x cgi a) -> WithHTML x cgi a |
Create a labelled choice display for an abstract table. The display
function takes the button element and a list of text nodes corresponding to
the selected row and is expected to perform the layout.
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |