| WashNGo-2.12: WASH is a family of embedded domain specific languages (EDSL) for programming Web applications in Haskell. | Contents | Index |
Description |
Types of outputable data.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
newtype URL |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data FileReference |
Constructors | FileReference | | fileReferenceName :: FilePath | valid local filename where this file can be accessed
| fileReferenceContentType :: String | | fileReferenceExternalName :: String | |
| Instances | |
data ResponseFileReference |
Assumes that file contains correctly formatted HTTP Response starting with
Content-Type. Used internally to implement frames.
| Constructors | | Instances | |
data Status |
Constructors | Status | | statusCode :: Int | status code
| statusReason :: String | reason phrase
| statusContent :: (Maybe (WithHTML () IO ())) | more explanation
| Instances | |
newtype Location |
Constructors | | Instances | |
data FreeForm |
Constructors | FreeForm | | ffName :: String | internal name
| ffContentType :: String | MIME type
| ffRawContents :: String | contents as octet stream
| Instances | |
data CGIOption |
Constructors | NoPort | do not include port number in generated URLs
| AutoPort | include automatically generated port number in generated URLs (default)
| Port Int | use this port number in generated URLs
| NoHttps | do not attempt to detect Https
| AutoHttps | autodetect Https by checking for port number 443 and env var HTTPS (default)
| FullURL | generate full URL including scheme, host, and port
| PartialURL | generate absolute path URL, only (default)
| SessionMode | | |
| Instances | |
type CGIOptions = [CGIOption] |
data SessionMode |
Constructors | LogOnly | generate log in hidden field, full server replay (default)
| StateIDOnly | generate state id, server threads without replay (only with WSP)
| LogAndState | log and state id, server threads with replay as fallback (only with WSP)
| Instances | |
sessionNeedsLog :: SessionMode -> Bool |
sessionNeedsState :: SessionMode -> Bool |
Produced by Haddock version 0.8 |