| WashNGo-2.12: WASH is a family of embedded domain specific languages (EDSL) for programming Web applications in Haskell. | Contents | Index |
Description |
This is the preferred, type-indexed implementation of server-side state.
A persistent entity (PE) is a time-indexed, named global value.
The current value of a PE is the value that the PE has now.
A handle gives access to a snapshot of a persistent entity at a particular time, potentially in the past.
A handle is current if the value of the PE has not been set or added to after the creation of the handle.
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data T a |
type of handles to a PE of type a
| Instances | |
init :: (Read a, Show a, Types a) => String -> a -> CGI (T a) |
init name initialValue creates a new PE with name name with initial
value initialValue and returns the handle to the initial value. If the PE
already exists, then init returns the handle to the current value.
get :: (Read a, Types a) => T a -> CGI a |
get handle retrieves the value of handle. This value may not be current
because the handle may point to a snapshot from the past.
set :: (Read a, Show a, Types a) => T a -> a -> CGI (Maybe (T a)) |
set handle newValue tries to overwrite the value of the pe pointed to by
handle with newValue. Succeeds Just handle1 if handle is current, in
this case it returns a handle to the new value. Fails Nothing if the handle
is not current.
add :: (Read a, Show a, Types a) => T [a] -> a -> CGI (T [a]) |
add handle addValue conceptually, this operation adds addValue to the
set of values stored in handle. Since this set is represented as a list,
handle must point to a value of type [a]. Since the PE is assumed to
contain a set, it does not matter if handle is current. However, the
returned handle is guaranteed to be current with a value that contains
current :: (Read a, Types a) => T a -> CGI (Maybe (T a)) |
current handle returns a handle to the PE pointed to by
handle. It returns Nothing if handle is still current. Otherwise, it
returns Just newHandle where newHandle is current in the sense defined
above. Using the newHandle obtained from current explicitly discards the
value pointed to by handle in favor of a value that may have been stored
by a concurrently executing script. Use with caution!
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