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Pratik Agarwal

Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Technische Fakultät
Autonome Intelligente Systeme
Georges-Köhler-Allee 079
D-79110 Freiburg i. Br., Germany
Office:   079-1005a

Phone:   +49 761 203-8176
Fax:   +49 761 203-8007

About me

  • 08/2006 - 06/2010: Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in Computer Science, Manipal University, India
  • 08/2010 - 04/2012: Master of Science and Engineering in Computer Science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
  • 08/2012 - up to now: Working at the Autonomous Intelligent Systems lab.

  • Full resume can be downloaded from here.

Research Interests

  • Robust localization and mapping
  • Sparse linear algebra
  • Multi sensor multi object tracking

Current Research Projects

  • IVIEW:Intelligente vibrotaktil induzierte erweiterte Wahrnehmung.
  • AAL: Applied Research on Ambient Assisted Living.

Students (co-)supervised

  • Using Dual-Quaternions For Computing Maximum Likelihood Maps With Gradient Descent", 2014, Master Thesis, Mohammad Chit
  • Autonomous Landing of Multi-Rotors, 2014, Bachelor Thesis, Michael Rudolph
  • Terrain Classification based on Traffic Participants, 2014, Bachelor Thesis, Lukas Gemein


  • Global Metrical Localization using Google Street View
    October 2014, Field Robotics Center Seminar, CMU, Pittsburgh.
  • Experimental Analysis of Dynamic Covariance Scaling for Robust Map Optimization Under Bad Initial Estimates [ .pdf ]
    ICRA, June 2014, Hong Kong.
  • Helmert's and Bowie's Geodetic Mapping Methods and Their Relationship to Graph-Based SLAM [ .pdf ]
    ICRA, June 2014, Hong Kong.
  • Robust Map Optimization using Dynamic Covariance Scaling [ .pdf ][ .pptx ]
    ICRA, May 2013. Karlruhe, Germany.
  • Dynamic Covariance Scaling for Robust Robot Mapping [ .pdf ][ .pptx ]
    ICRA, Workshop on Factor Graphs, May 2013. Karlruhe, Germany.
  • Variable reordering strategies for SLAM [ .pdf ][ .pptx ]
    IROS, November 2012, Vilamoura, Portugal.


  • 10 April 2015: Successfully defended my PhD.
  • March 2015: Submitted my PhD thesis.
  • October 2014 to January 2015: Interning again at Google [X], self driving car team.
  • September 2014: Survey of really old geodetic mapping methods and their relationship to graph SLAM is published in the September issueof IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine.
  • June 2014: Our navigation aid for mobility impaired blind people gets some press coverage ingenieur and here.
  • March 2014: "A Survey of Geodetic Approaches to Mapping and the Relationship to Graph-Based SLAM" has been accepted for Robotics and Automation Magazine.
  • January 2014: 2 out of 2 papers accepted at ICRA'14.
  • August 2013 to November 2013: Intern at Google [X], self driving car team.
  • April 2013: I will co-organize Introduction to Mobile Robotics with Wolfram, Cyrill, Maren, Diego and Luciano.
  • April 2013: DCS has been nominated for the "Best Student Paper Award" at ICRA'13.
  • March 2013: DCS accepted for Workshop on Robust and Multimodal Inference in Factor Graphs, ICRA'13
  • January 2013: Max-Mixture added to openslam.org
  • January 2013: DCS implemented within g2o, (github - g2o/master branch).
  • January 2013: DCS has been accepted for ICRA'13
  • November 2012: Open source release of Max-Mixture with g2o is available here
  • October 2012: I presented Variable reordering strategies for SLAM at IROS'12 held at Vilamoura, Portugal.


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