Benjamin Suger, Bastian Steder, and Wolfram Burgard.
Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots in Outdoor Environments: A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach Based on 3D-Lidar Data.
In Proc. of the IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics &Automation (ICRA). 2015.
The ability to safely navigate is a crucial pre-requisite for truly autonomous systems. A robot has to distinguish obstacles from traversable ground. Failing on this task can cause great damage or restrict the robots movement unnecessarily. Due to the security relevance of this problem, great effort is typically spent to design models for individual robots and sensors, and the complexity of such models is correlated to the complexity of the environment and the capabilities of the robot. We present a semi supervised learning approach, where the robot learns its traversability capabilities from a human operating it. From this partially and only positive labeled training data, our approach infers a model for the traversability analysis, thereby requiring very little manual effort for the human. In practical experiments we show that our method can be used for robots that need to reliably navigate on dirt roads as well as for robots that have very restricted traversability capabilities.
BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{suger15icra, author = {Suger, Benjamin and Steder, Bastian and Burgard, Wolfram}, booktitle = {Proc.~of the IEEE Int.~Conf.~on Robotics \& Automation (ICRA)}, year = {2015}, title = {Traversability Analysis for Mobile Robots in Outdoor Environments: A Semi-Supervised Learning Approach Based on {3D}-Lidar Data} }