PowerPoint Relink Movie Files
When movies are inserted into PowerPoint presentations, PowerPoint apparently always saves the absolute path to the media file. In case that the presentation is copied or moved to another computer, videos will no longer work. One work around is the Visual Basic script listed below. It iterates over all media objects, extracts the referenced filenames, searches for them either in the subfolders of the presentation (RelinkMoviesToDefaultLocation) or another folder chosen by the user (RelinkMoviesAndAskForLocation). When searching for the best match, the function GetBestMatchingFile requires at least that the filename (without path) matches exactly, but will return the longest match (i.e., matching most of the path).
- open the VBA editor (Tools→Macro→Visual basic editor)
- Add a new module (Insert→Module)
- Paste the code below inside that module
After this, you can simply run the macro's from within PP itself. Simply go to Tools→Macro→Macros and you can choose either RelinkMoviesToDefaultLocation or RelinkMoviesAndAskForLocation to run.
Copy and paste this code inside the VBA module.
Option Explicit Public Const DefaultMovieSubFolder As String = "" 'relinks all movies to the default subdirectory beneath the presentations location 'the name of the subdirectory is set in the DefaultMovieSubFolder constant Public Sub RelinkMoviesToDefaultLocation() Dim folder As String folder = GetDir(ActivePresentation.FullName) & DefaultMovieSubFolder RelinkMovies folder End Sub 'Ask the user for a directory and relinks all movie objects to that location Public Sub RelinkMoviesAndAskForLocation() Dim folder As String folder = InputBox("Please enter target directory", , GetDir(ActivePresentation.FullName)) If Len(folder) = 0 Then Exit Sub RelinkMovies folder End Sub Public Sub RelinkMovies(Target As String) If Len(Dir(Target, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then MsgBox "The target directory (" + Target + ") does not exist. Relinking cancelled" Exit Sub End If Dim sl As Slide, sh As Shape, count As Integer, relinked As Integer If Not Right$(Target, 1) = "\" Then Target = Target & "\" For Each sl In ActivePresentation.Slides For Each sh In sl.Shapes If IsMovie(sh) Then If Relink(sh, Target) Then relinked = relinked + 1 count = count + 1 End If Next Next MsgBox "Finished: " & count & " movie objects were checked and " & relinked & " were relinked" End Sub Private Function IsMovie(sh As Shape) On Error Resume Next IsMovie = sh.MediaType = ppMediaTypeMovie End Function Function Relink(sh As Shape, TargetDir As String) As Boolean Dim File As String, Current As String, ProposedFile As String File = sh.LinkFormat.SourceFullName Current = GetDir(File) ProposedFile = TargetDir & Mid$(File, Len(Current) + 1) ProposedFile = GetBestMatchingFile(TargetDir, File) If File = ProposedFile Then Exit Function 'no change made End If sh.LinkFormat.SourceFullName = ProposedFile Relink = True End Function Private Function GetDir(File As String) As String Dim i As Integer i = InStrRev(File, "\") If i = 0 Then GetDir = "" Else GetDir = Left$(File, i) End If End Function Private Function FillDir(colDirList As Collection, ByVal strFolder As String, strFileSpec As String, _ bIncludeSubfolders As Boolean) 'Build up a list of files, and then add add to this list, any additional folders Dim strTemp As String Dim colFolders As New Collection Dim vFolderName As Variant 'Add the files to the folder. strFolder = TrailingSlash(strFolder) strTemp = Dir(strFolder & strFileSpec) Do While strTemp <> vbNullString colDirList.Add strFolder & strTemp strTemp = Dir Loop If bIncludeSubfolders Then 'Build collection of additional subfolders. strTemp = Dir(strFolder, vbDirectory) Do While strTemp <> vbNullString If (strTemp <> ".") And (strTemp <> "..") Then If (GetAttr(strFolder & strTemp) And vbDirectory) <> 0& Then colFolders.Add strTemp End If End If strTemp = Dir Loop 'Call function recursively for each subfolder. For Each vFolderName In colFolders Call FillDir(colDirList, strFolder & TrailingSlash(vFolderName), strFileSpec, True) Next vFolderName End If End Function Public Function TrailingSlash(varIn As Variant) As String If Len(varIn) > 0& Then If Right(varIn, 1&) = "\" Then TrailingSlash = varIn Else TrailingSlash = varIn & "\" End If End If End Function Private Function GetBestMatchingFile(SearchDir As String, Filename As String) As String Dim colDirList As New Collection Dim varItem As Variant Call FillDir(colDirList, SearchDir, "*.*", True) Dim CurrentDir, FilenameOnly As String CurrentDir = GetDir(Filename) FilenameOnly = Mid$(Filename, Len(CurrentDir) + 1) Dim bestMatchingChars As Integer Dim bestMatchedString As String bestMatchingChars = 0 bestMatchedString = Filename For Each varItem In colDirList Dim matchingChars As Integer Dim matchedString As String matchingChars = 0 Dim lenVar As Integer Dim lenFile As Integer lenVar = Len(varItem) lenFile = Len(Filename) Do While (Mid$(Filename, Len(Filename) - matchingChars - 1) = Mid$(varItem, Len(varItem) - matchingChars - 1)) matchingChars = matchingChars + 1 If matchingChars >= lenVar - 1 Then Exit Do If matchingChars >= lenFile - 1 Then Exit Do Loop matchedString = varItem If (matchingChars > bestMatchingChars) And (matchingChars >= Len(FilenameOnly)) Then bestMatchingChars = matchingChars bestMatchedString = matchedString End If ' Debug.Print varItem Next ' Debug.Print "org: " & Filename ' Debug.Print "best:" & bestMatchedString If bestMatchingChars = 0 Then MsgBox "Not found: " & Filename Else ' make path relative? bestMatchedString = Replace(bestMatchedString, SearchDir, "") End If GetBestMatchingFile = bestMatchedString End Function
last modified on 2009/02/19 15:50