Table of Contents
- The articulation stack is a free implementation on my work on learning kinematic models for articulated objects.
- Zora, an open-source simulator for robotic manipulators that I used for running my experiments on body schema learning, imitation learning and tactile sensing. It was also used in various student projects on force control, kinematic learning and imitation teaching.
- Resources of my Master Thesis Project. The page includes the source code and binary memory stick images that can directly be run on a Sony Aibo.
- Frequently used GIT commands
- Fix paths to movies in PowerPoint presentations
- Import ROS packages into Eclipse
Recommended Software
- 64-bit Ubuntu linux, the most used Linux distribution.
- Willow Garage's ROS (Robot Operating System) is a state-of-the-art middleware for robotic applications. It provides thousands of freely available packages, with dozens of universities contributing to it. The University of Freiburg also provides a ROS repository of free packages.
- Eclipse CDT, a very comprehensive Integrated Development Environment for writing C++ and/or Python code. A guide that explains how to import ROS packages into Eclipse is available here.
- Pdflatex from the Tetex distribution is a good choice for writing scientific publications. I recommend Kile as a good latex editor with syntax completion as a good graphical editor. I use Inkscape for creating graphics (save as svg and pdf); the textext plugin allows to write latex formulas directly in Inkscape. I consider gnuplot to be outdated, and recommend instead TikZ and pgfplots for creating scientific drawings and plots.
- GNU C++ Compiler. Please use the vectors, maps, sets, and iterators. A good C++ reference helps. Please use the latest standard by setting
SET(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS ”-std=c++0x”)
in your CMakeLists.txt file. - Hudson, an automated build server that compiles code after each commit, and sends angry emails when the build fails. We have an own build server running, that compiles our ROS packages and many more projects of the AIS group: Freiburg's Hudson server.
last modified on 2010/08/17 14:34