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What is Zora++?

Zora++ is a simple add-on for the Carmen Framework. It provides C++ wrapper classes for Carmen messages, and C++ handler classes that send/receive those messages via IPC and logfile streams. A set of macros is defined that can be used to easily create new messages (and their corresponding handler) classes.

Where can I get/download Zora++?

Zora++ is part of the AISSVN repository. Issue

svn checkout

to check out the latest version. For doing so, you will need an AISSVN account.

Zora++ depends on:

  • Carmen
  • wxGTK

Can I see a demo application using Zora++?

Sure. The following demo application shows the main benefits of using the Zora++. The application connects to a local central-server where it waits for messages of a (simulated) manipulator. By overwriting the OnStatusAllMessage()-method (defined in the MessageDispatcher-interface). It prints a dot (”.”) for every incoming manipulator status message, and sends every now and then a JointRotateMessage. Note that the message's parameters can both be set via its constructor, as well as via its Getters/Setters.

#include <wx/wx.h>
#include "zora++.h"

class ZoraDemoApp : public wxApp, MessageDispatcher
		StatusAllHandler allStatusHandler;
		JointRotateHandler jointRotateHandler;
		void OnStatusAllMessage(StatusAllMessage &msg) {

			if(rand() % 30 == 0) {			
				JointRotateMessage msg(rand() % 4,rand() % 180 - 90,20.0,0.0);
				printf("\nRotating joint %d to position %f\n",msg.GetModule(),msg.GetPosition());
		bool OnInit() {
			return true;



last modified on 2008/05/27 12:58